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Asked Questions

Why choose a doctor to carry out my treatment?Doctors should always strive to practice in a safe and ethical manner to the benefit of their patient/client. Doctors are governed by the GMC and need to undergo annual appraisals plus five yearly revalidation. Doctors should only use the safest and most effective products for their patient and should always have a full consultation discussing the benefits, risks and any alternative options. Doctors will be appropriately insured for the treatments they provide.
Where is your clinic?The Cosmetics Doc clinic is located in the Heath / Cyncoed area of Cardiff. The clinic has a waiting area, toilet and treatment room, as well as offering off-road parking. Further details will be sent with your booking confirmation.
What payment methods do you accept?Credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, cash or BACS transfer are all accepted for your main treatment payment. For your online booking consultation fee, you will be asked to pay via credit/debit card.
Is my consultation fee refundable?Fees are refundable with 48 hours' notice. The consultation fee will be deducted from any treatments that you may go on to purchase (not applicable to eyelash and eyebrow enhancements or Obagi stand alone products).
What changes are in place due to the Covid19 pandemic?During the Covid19 pandemic, you will need to attend the clinic alone. You will have confirmed that you are well, with no symptoms of, or contact with, suspected or confirmed Covid19 in the past fourteen days. Your temperature will be checked on arrival and you will be asked to wear a mask. Your doctor will wear PPE to treat you and the clinic will be sanitised between clients. Appointments will be spaced so that you have no contact with any other clients during your clinic visit.
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